Join us for a 3-day conference that brings together research, policy and practice on topics related to responsible use of AI.
Attendees have the chance to hear experts discussion during our main stage events, as well as exciting cutting-edge research presentation from our five topical tracks.

Day 1, Wednesday, Sept 13
Arrival and Check In
12:00 - 13:00
Welcome Addresses and Keynote
Christoph Lütge Jacob Rendtorff
13:00 - 13:30
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal
Impulse Session: Global Perspectives on AI Ethics
Christoph Lütge Tanya de Villiers-Botha Caitlin Corrigan Christian Perrone Makoto Usami
13:30 - 14:00
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal
Coffee Break
14:00 - 14:30
Parallel Session Round 1
14:30 - 15:45
- Benefits & risks of the use of AI by state officials
Christian Djeffal Makoto Usami Franziska Poszler
Governance and Rule of Law track
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal
- Understanding Values and Ethics for AI in Healthcare
Lameck Mbangula Amugongo Alexander Kriebitz Jenny Le Mariam Shakil
Healthcare and AI track
Rm 1402
- Overcoming ethical challenges in AI – methods and solutions
Catarina Fontes Yonah Welker Lamiaa Ghoz Mennatullah Hendawy
Governance and Rule of Law track
Rm 2370
Panel Discussion: Implementing AI Governance Part 1: Certification and Standardization
Philippe Coution Daniel Weimer Sabine Wiesmüller Till Klein
15:55 - 16:55
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal
Parallel Session Round 2
17:05 - 18:20
- Ethical considerations of human machine communication
Tanya de Villiers-Botha Caitlin Begg Laura Crompton Auxane Boch
Human Interaction track
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal
- Responsible AI in Business – Bias and Governance
Dora Kaufman Aude Marie
Marcoux Raphael Max
Marianne Thejls Ziegler Jacob Rendtorff
Business track
Rm 1402
- Developing Smart Cities and Transportation – Ethical Considerations
Mennatullah Hendawy Lamiaa Ghoz Catarina Fontes
Sustainability track
Rm 2370
Welcome Reception
TUM Think Tank
Day 2, Thursday, Sept 14
Panel Discussion: Implementing AI Governance
Part 2: Regulation
Daniela Brönstrup Christoph Lütge Mrinalini Kochupillai
Thomas Stadje
9:00 - 10:15
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal
Coffee Break
10:15 - 10:45
Parallel Session Round 3
10:45 - 12:00
- Turning AI ethics & law into practice
Lydia Dettling Christian Perrone Akeem Ayilara Ellen Hohma
Governance and Rule of Law track
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal
- Responsible AI in the Financial Industry
Maria Pokholkova Christian Goglin Sivaramakrishnan R Guruvayur
Marianne Thejls Ziegler Jacob Rendtorff
Business track
Rm 2370
Lunch Break
12:00 - 13:00
Parallel Session Round 4
13:00 - 14:15
- The ethics of large language models – implications beyond ChatGPT
Andrei Nutas Juraj Vladika Verena Müller Saurabh Dhawan
Governance and Rule of Law track
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal
- Cases of applied interactional AI and ethical issues
Franziska Poszler Thierry Poibeau Jessica White Anna Leschanowsky Alexander Kriebitz
Human Interaction track
Rm 1402
- Exploring sustainable AI in industry - Examples from Africa and beyond
Catherine McDonald Svetlana Ikonnikova Shamira Ahmed
Caitlin Corrigan
Sustainability track
Rm 2370
Coffee Break
14:15 - 14:45
Parallel Session Round 5
14:45 - 16:00
- Workshop: IEAI Showcase
Julia Sasse Camila Hidalgo Jürgen Pfeffer Anna Keune
Caitlin Corrigan Catarina Fontes
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal
- Responsible AI and Health Care Processes
Auxane Boch Simona Tiribelli Sivaramakrishnan R Guruvayur
Thierry Ngosso
Healthcare track
Rm 1402
- Workshop with ITS Rio: Sandboxes or Sandbags: the data cycle challenge of AI sandboxes in the Global South
Armando Guio Maria Isabel Mejia Antonia Moreno Christian Perrone
Rm 2370
Parallel Session Round 6
16:15 - 17:30
- Workshop with TÜV SÜD - AI Governance framework
Ibrahim Halfaoui Edmund Balogun
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal
- Responsible AI governance: Examples, barriers & next steps
Airlie Hilliard (online) Yasin Tokat Thierry Poibeau Franziska Poszler
Governance and Rule of Law track
Rm 2370
Day 3, Friday, Sept 15
Parallel Session Round 7
9:00 - 10:15
- Responsible AI for Sustainability in Africa - Use cases and challenges
Eric Tchao Dodzi Hattoh Patrick Wamuyu   Catarina Fontes
Sustainability track
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal
- AI accountability, liability and rights
Alexander Bretel Martina Malcheva Maria Pokholkova Antoaneta Mileva
Governance and Rule of Law track
Rm 1402
- Responsible AI and Personal Integrity
Reinhard Altenburger Silvia Traunwieser Stephanie Sheir
Marianne Thejls Ziegler Jacob Rendtorff
Business track
Rm 2370
Coffee Break
10:15 - 10:45
Closing Session: What's Next for Responsible AI?
Gjergji Kasneci Patrick van der Samgt Sarah Engel Caitlin Corrigan
10:45 - 12:00
Theodor-Fischer Hörsaal